Why having a Now Page was one of the best decisions I made for my career?

The Now Page is a technique that helps people organizing their priorities in life. I’ve just started writing mine, but it is already proving to be an insightful tool. To write this page, I must sit and decide what will be there, if it is doable if it is really important to do right now.

I want you to write yours because I want you to feel the same fire that my own now page gives me.

What does a now page show me?

The now page helps me see what it is important that I finish in the next month (or months). I can come back to it anytime, which is mostly when I forget what my goals are. It helps me to be aware of what I wrote down or said that I would do.

Why did I decide to do a Now Post instead?

I was a little stubborn and didn’t do a Now Page per se because of two reasons.

The first one is that I wanted to be able to save the previous ones so I could come back to then anytime and see what I was doing before. It’s sort of to keep track of my priorities and see how they change with every month.

The second is that it was the easiest way to commit to do it and to include it as the content that I share with you because it is part of my life and my career.

The page allows me to open my door even more and tell you what I am doing. As I get more comfortable with it, I know it will get even more vulnerable and personal.

Where did I learn about the now page?

I learned from Andrew Hitz (host of The Entrepreneurial Musician Podcast and a performer, teacher, coach, and many more titles!) that a “now” post is a valuable thing to share on your website.

On his website, he has a now page and links the reader to nownownow.com where I learned more about why I needed one. The fantastic thing about this is that just by reading his Now Page, I could realize how great of an exercise this is, even for myself.

Yes, I want to share with you what I am up to now but I also want to put it down to “paper” and make it public so I can feel it is official.

Why not have an about page instead?

Many pages (including this one) have an about and contact page that is rarely updated. Mine is freshly updated but I will probably not update it as much as I’ll do with the Now Post. I don’t see the need to update an about page because it is a description of me and my brand. I know that it changes, but the core of it might stay the same for a longer period.

A Now Page (or post as I decided to do it in my blog) forces me to think about what am I working on right now? What is it that I am seeking to accomplish this month? Maybe it is the same as last month but at least I am aware of it while giving you a scope of what I am up to now.

Nownownow.com is a collection of everyone who has a now page (which reminds me that I need to apply to appear there!). They make the case that maybe you and I don’t need a now page, and that it won’t help my business to make one.

What it will do is to help me share with my audience more insightful information about my life. It will include them in my thoughts as I am speaking to them when they are reading.

Besides answering the common question, “What are you up to these days?”, those who have a now page say it’s a good reminder of their priorities. By publicly showing what you are focused on now, it helps you say no to other requests.

Derek Sivers, creator of nownownow.com

You don’t need a website to make one!

If you don’t have a website, there is no problem. Use your preferred social media platform and upload a post about what are you up to now. Most people will be happy to see what you are doing and even grateful that you are sharing it with the world.

You could also upload a picture with bullet points. If you don’t feel like sharing it on social media or you are not on any platform, you could do it on a diary or piece of paper.

I must accept that making it public does help, but just writing it down will be a good exercise to help you see what your priorities are for the coming future. Have fun with it, scratch things, use post-its, so many ways that you can do it!

Share it with us in the comments, I would love to know what are you working on right now, no matter when you see this post. You can read mine here.

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