What Types of Posts Will You Find on This Blog?
Good question, thanks for asking! (you will quickly learn how silly I am).
As I said in posts before, I want this blog to be joyful, comforting, inspiring. I want to appeal to your creativity and energy. There will be a lot of moods to
Advices , How to, Interviews
As I learn things from my career or from talking to more experienced people, I will share them here! You will find answers to your questions, and if not you can ask more questions. I will be sure to have a list of things you want to learn or know about and will create content based on that.
Personal Stories, Fears
I have some experience already in my choral journey. It is not a lot but I can share it. I will also find people that want to tell their own stories, either in interviews, or guest blogging, or just email. I am excited to create a space where we can all learn about the different paths that choral music has taken us.
Music, Podcast Episodes
In case you did not know, I am a composer! You can read more about my story or what I am up to right here. In that matter, I will share my music as well as details of how I make it, how it sometimes frustrates me not to have an idea of what I am doing, and more as I gain the courage to share more of myself with you. I will also share music by other composers because this is not all about me!
Poems, Projects
I also write words. Not that I am good or bad at it, I just do. I love creating so it is normal for me to go beyond music. Projects is another way I love being creative. In this blog, you will find cool projects I am developing, such as The Happy Composer Commission Project, The seconds projects, The Tongue Twisters projects, among others.