What I am grateful for at the end of another year

2019 is almost gone, and I wanted to make sure I was grateful for your support. Thank you for following my career (the posts, the podcast, and my music). Without your support, I would not have someone to talk to. It could get very lonely in a composer’s office, but sharing this with you makes it more bearable. 2020 will be twice as challenging, but thanks to what I’ve learned in 2019, and before, I will be able to face it.

Time to be grateful and reflect

Many people use these days to reflect on what happened and what didn’t. Maybe you had your most challenging, hard year, or maybe you had the most successful one till now. No matter what, you learn something valuable. I know that because I did too. It was a hard one for me, but I can’t say it was only that. There is a lot that happened during 2019 that I celebrate.

In the end, I am grateful it all happened

It might be hard to say “I am grateful for (fill in the blank)” when you are so close to what happened. But in the end, I can see how I can be grateful even for what was upsetting. It all gave me a new perspective or a new experience to have in my toolbox.

This year I participated in many competitions and won some of them. Others gave me great experiences like interviews, new connections, and exposure to important people. I had the courage to create a brand that is not my name, but that it contains what I want to share, including my voice as an educator, student, composer, human.

Love yourself

Another one of the hardest lessons of this year. As I keep understanding how to do love myself more often, I want to let you know that is possible. If you are on that journey, keep going! You’ll get there. If you have mastered this, then I would love to know how you did it so I can try it as well. It is challenging, and I keep exploring more and more to get to know myself and love what I am now, as I look forward to what I will be.

What things are you grateful for in 2019? How did you learn to love yourself, even if it was for a minute? What things do you want me to talk about or write about? I can use your help.



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