What am I up to now? Stay Home Part 2 (May 2020)

Hola, People! I am writing this post with a lot of doubts about what to do. I feel that the more I try to keep up, the more hard time I give myself. So here is what I am planning on doing this month to keep being easy on myself and going through my life enjoying the most I can.

This pandemic has been challenging but I continue to find joy on some things and being grateful for many. My energy is still a rollercoaster and will continue to be that way, but I keep the hope that with these activities, I will get back to normal.

1. Staying Home (part 2)

To keep contributing to the world, I will keep trying to stay in as much as aI can and give the world space and time to breathe. I have decided to not post every day as I’ve been doing for a while as it is challenging to find the right mindset to it. I will continue with my podcast so no worries there!

2. The Happy Virtual Choir

I have received so many videos and I am so grateful for the people that have taken the time to record and be part of this project. If you want to be part of it, hurry up! I am in editing mode, but go check it here.

3.- Writing Garden for Ensemble Companio

I have a few measures written and it is slowly coming. I am really enjoying this piece as I am also giving myself the time and space to write it. It is a HUGE struggle to write music right now (I am not sure why, it just is) but allowing myself to work on it when I feel I can honestly give my heart to it is the best for this project and I am excited to share with the ensemble once this is all over.

4. Learning how to draw

Yay for drawing and learning new skills. It is so refreshing and it keeps my mind well.

If you enjoy this Blog, the Podcast, or my pieces you can help me by becoming my patreon at www.patreon.com/composercordero. There you will find rewards and even more details about my work as a composer and perks for your career.

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