What am I up to now? Stay Home (April 2020)

We all know this month will be interesting as we stay home during this pandemic. I am not sure how to even begin to write this post because there is so much uncertainty around! But here we are and here is what I intend doing in the coming weeks. To be perfectly honest and open, my energy is kind of off and it goes up and down several times in the day.

So, these are the things I will try to accomplish when my energy is up (or when I want to boost it!).:

1. Staying Home (as I was already used to)

I am a full-time composer building The Happy Choir brand, so staying at home was part of my job. What I miss the most is seeing my friends. I am glad I am spending the time with my husband (Ryan) and our recently adopted dogs, Sweet Pea and Olive. More pictures of them to come!

2. The Happy Virtual Choir

I am producing my own virtual choir and that is both exciting and terrifying. If you want to join me in this adventure, go check it here.

3.- Writing a new piece for Ensemble Companio

The text is ready and I will share it soon with you! I am excited to find the right mindset to create this piece for such a wonderful ensemble.

4. Breathing, Being, Loving

I am not being too productive, but what I am doing I am excited about. I will share it when the time is right. I somehow feel there is too much output there and I am trying to take it all in and enjoy what I can.

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