Time Management is the key to productivity

Time management is a skill that you’ll want to practice on a daily basis. I am constantly working on it so I can improve my productivity, but I am still far from where I want to be. At least I am aware of it and I have improved! Here is what I have learned:

Time passes whether you want it or not

“This is what I did on this day at this time.” I will never again get that moment. Isn’t it crazy that what the moment we are living right now is unique? It will never be November 29th, 2019 again.

That was it for that date.

If we are lucky, we will get a November 29th, 2020. Not the former. That’s in the past.

What about now? And what about the next hour? Does it make you aware of how precious time is?

That’s scary, right?

If you are like me, you could freak out and think that you should only do the most important projects. This is only half true. This new appreciation for time brings awareness of which projects I do.
I also appreciate even more the reason why I do them.

No matter what you do, do it with purpose

Time management improves your productivity. It all comes down to having a clear goal, which helps you to prioritize, and that leads you to organize your activities within a time period. Understanding how valuable (unique) your time is, will help you to make it count.

For example, practicing orchestration or writing a miniature might not be the best use of your time, but, if you do it with intention and a clear goal, it will.

Time is irreplaceable

When somebody takes your time away from you, they can’t give it back to you, no matter how much they try. Even if we don’t realize it at the moment, we might regret it later. This makes me think of meetings. Meetings are some of the worst activities that make people waste too much time.

People can take a pencil from us, and we will buy another one. They can take our spot in line, and we can wait for the next one.

But how do you get back time?

Think about how you give the most precious thing of your day: Peanut Butter, and time of course!

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