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Tota Pulchra es, Maria


Hola, Peeps! Here are a few details about this piece. Enjoy and let me know if there is any mistake or if you want to talk about a different version for your choir.

The ones for the conductor:

Duration: 3'30

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB div.

Available Versions: -

Language: Latin

Premiere: To be added!

Listen/ See the Score: 

The ones for your the program:

Program Notes: At the beginning of 2019, I felt lost as a composer. I had recently graduated from my Masters but did not know exactly what was next. I knew I wanted to continue my choral composition, and even more sacred choral writing.

Since the first moment I saw this text, I was excited to do it as a celebration of the Virgin Mary, mother of God. I had already worked on Salve Regina and Ave, Regina Coelorum, so this felt the next piece to write for her. Growing up catholic, I had a strong presence of the Virgin Mary around my home and in my life, and I am grateful that I can now render all of this in my pieces as a way of thanking her for all the faith that she’s taught me to have. I dedicate this piece to both my grandmothers for being that source of faith and love in our family.

Author: 4th century

Text: Tota Pulchra es, Maria.
O Maria,
Virgo Prudentissima,
Mater Clementissima
Ora pro nobis.

Other awesome details we tell people 🙂

Year of Composition: 3'30


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