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Holding Our Breath


A poignant piece about facing the fear to breathe: on an individual level as well as next to each other again, and the courage to be together once more.

To buy the SATB version, please order from Hal Leonard or JWpepper https://www.halleonard.com/product/366241/holding-our-breath

Hola, Peeps! Here are a few details about this piece. Enjoy and let me know if there is any mistake or if you want to talk about a different version for your choir.

The ones for the conductor:

Duration: 6

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB div

Available Versions: SSAA/TTBB

Language: English

Premiere: To be added!

Listen/ See the Score: 

The ones for your the program:

Program Notes: Breathing is what keeps us alive. It is the mechanism that allows us to sing and communicate. Whenever we are troubled or are in a time of crisis, our instincts are to either hold our breath or to breathe. Taking slow breaths and centering ourselves is what brings us back to a more serene state. During this pandemic, breathing has been deemed dangerous, being the principal mechanism of how COVID-19 is spread. It is also the time where the phrase “I can’t breathe” became the powerful last words that moved an entire nation to demand rights, not only for the life of a man but an entire population. Breathing is a cycle that can’t and should not be interrupted.

Holding Our Breath is a piece about facing the fear to breathe: on an individual level as well as next to each other again, and the courage to be together once more; slowly taking in what it means to be alive and singing next to one another.


Author: Julie Flanders

Text: What happened?
(audible gasp)

What is happening (to us)
(audible gasp)

Can you breathe?
Please, help me!

I can’t...
“I can’t breathe”

Can you breathe?

Can we breathe again?
We are holding on
We are holding our breath

With this one breath
I pray

With this one breath
I hope

With this one breath
I let go

With this one breath
I stay

With this one breath
I say I love You

With this one breath
I say goodbye

With this one breath
We Breathe.

(audible sigh)

Other awesome details we tell people 🙂

Year of Composition: 6


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