What am I up to now? Hint: Consortium (December 2019)
¡Hola, People! The balloons are still alive and hanging in there. The journey of The Happy Choir is growing, slowly and steady. If you have met me, you know that I like things to be faster, but this is good for me. I am learning to be more patient and to enjoy more the process as I keep trying to find the choirs for my first choral commission consortium.
So, here is what I am doing right now:
1. Choral Consortium
If you want to have fun in your rehearsal and on stage, come and join me in my first consortium. I am nervous because it is the first time I do something like this. Do you know anybody? They can sign up here.
2. Writing two commissioned pieces
As a composer-in-residence in Chorus Austin, I’ll get to share a new work this coming February for their concert Songs of the Earth. I am excited to write a new piece for their symphonic choir and orchestra. I’ll share more about this project as I develop it.
3.- Learning Social Media Programming
I want to be able to share what I do here, and for that, I have to be able to be present in the different social media platforms to find new friends who want to learn more about choral music. You can help me with this! You can share a blog or a podcast episode with a friend or ten.
For now, find me on Instagram, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Patreon, and Facebook!
I am also working on Forgiveness, a new piece for SATB choir and Strings for Panoramic Voices, Brent Baldwin conductor. This is an interesting piece for me to write right now as I explore myself what it means to forgive other people, and myself. I wrote the text and, to be honest, I am terrified to explore it but here we go!
4. Recording Podcast episodes and learning how to interview guests!
This one is challenging because I am new to podcasting, but it is so much fun, people. I laugh a lot while making mistakes as I pronounce the easiest words in English. In the next two months, I will begin contacting friends to appear in the Podcast. I have awesome friends and mentors out there who will offer wonderful insights on their choral life and I hope they can find time to chat with me so you and I can learn from their experience.
5. I got my prize from the Busan Choral Composition Competition
I received some weeks ago a wonderful international package. My piece Tota Pulchra es was the 2nd place winner of this competition and they were kind enough to send me a whole package of goodies, including a book of pieces, the program of the concerts, a bag of the competition, the trophy, a certificate. How lucky!