My Happy Patreons are the best! Join us :)

Patreon is a platform that allows artists like me to share with supporters. The really great thing is that you don’t have to pay thousands to be a supporter.

To be part of my Happy Patreons, $3 dollars a month is all you need.

Imagine that you invite me a coffee a month

With this little gesture, you allow my brand to grow. As of now, my Patreons allow me to pay for The Happy Choir Podcast. There I get to share lots of educational content for composers, conductors, and singers of choral music.

The best part is that I don’t drink much coffee so your support would mean even more than the coffee because it would allow me to work on my passion. Every time I get new Patreons, I get more time to work on what I love the most. You can see it here!

The team of Happy Patreons keeps growing!

I want to take a minute to acknowledge my Patreons on my website because they also help me with the costs of this website and this journey. Isn’t it amazing how with just a few dollars a month you can help so many people? Not only me but everybody who learns from this website.

  • Annie Blancken
  • Julie Jones Kick
  • Ellen Kiser
  • Fleming Angela
  • Geoffrey Blackmer

Your support is helping other people connect through choral music.

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