HCP 23 – Don’t take yourself too seriously!
Peanut butter, ha! That’s the text of the choral piece you can listen to in this episode and also, how not taking myself so seriously has helped me to express myself in ways I would have never imagine. The benefits and consequences, and how it can help your career in the choral arts.
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In this episode, you will learn:
- Another one of my food examples related to not taking ourselves so seriously
- Making music is not brain surgery
- Why stressing and being so serious is counterproductive
- Art is subjective, therefore there will always be someone who loves or hates yours
- The anxiety of making the perfect project or piece
- How not being too worried helps us be more creative and functioning at our best.
- How asking for help is always a valid option
- We can work without being so stressed about it
- The benefits of not taking ourselves so seriously
- The experience of writing peanut butter
- Listen to peanut butter recording!
Share it with me
- Do you allow yourself to be silly?
Links mentioned in the show:
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Produced by Carlos Cordero.
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