HCP 4: Choral Music and Community, How to Build Relationships within the Choral Scene
In this episode, I talk about the importance of community on the choral world and how it affects us. I share with you one of my favorite anecdotes in choral music and how my choral community has been always there for me. If choral music is part of your life, in this episode I invite you to take 2 minutes and think of all the great moments you’ve had thanks to it. I would love to know your stories, so email me if you want to share with me.
If choral music is part of your life, I want you to take 2 minutes and think of all the great moments you’ve had thanks to it.
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In this episode, you will learn:
- [00:50] What we will discuss in the episode
- [03:30] Choral Music is powerful
- [04:00] What is like the relationship between people in choir
- [04:30] The things we need to stop and see around us in our community
- [05:25] The power of relationships, connections, and teamwork.
- [06:10] Through choral music you can connect with people. My story in University of Houston
- [08:40] Reflection exercise
- [10:00] One of my favorite stories in choral music
If choral music is part of your life, I want you to take 2 minutes and think of all the great moments you’ve had thanks to it.
Links mentioned in the show:
- UH Choral Department
- University of Houston
- HCP 2: We Can All Be Happy
- My email carlos@thehappychoir.com
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Produced by Carlos Cordero.
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