The Happy Composer Commission Project 2 is now open for submissions
¡Hola, People! How is everybody doing? 2020 has been quite a year, and we still have 3 more months to go. However, I would like to close such a challenging time for choral music with a high note. It’s time to bring some people together and begin writing commissions! This is why The Happy Composer Commission Project 2020 is now open for submissions (open until November 10, 2020!).
The Happy Composer Commission Project is a project I created to help composers and choirs connect and be happy together, making new music and celebrating adding a new friend to their life. The composers from around the world were awesome and I will share their stories and pieces in upcoming posts (as time allows me to sit down and do more for this blog!).
This year we are partnering with Chorus Austin and Inversion Ensemble. These choirs bring to the project great performances and a wide variety of options, including symphonic choir, chamber choir, and accompanied chamber choir. I am so excited about this and hope you are as well!
What is the Happy Composer Commission Project?
This educational project aims to help composers learn more about choral writing through the creation and performance of a newly commissioned piece. Each selected composer will create a new piece for unaccompanied choir (2 to 6 minutes) and receive the rewards listed below.
We are currently looking for 6 composers! You might be one of them (Isn’t it exciting!?)
For this, I will be available through email and possible calls to discuss the composition approach and process as well as talking about career development. I do not claim to know a lot, but what I know, I am happy to share as I believe that’s where we grow as a choral community.
Rewards (Hint: a commission and tons of connections!)
- Performance / Recording of your work (depending on guidelines about COVID-19)
- Email consulting throughout the writing process (possible zoom/skype lesson time depending on availability of composers)
- Comments from Conductor
- $50 dollars commission fee
The best part: There is no application fee!
Every composer
Are you eligible for this commission project?
Are you human? Yes. That’s all!
The call for scores is open to composers of any nationality, gender, age, or stage in their career. Preference might be given to those who have not had any choral music published (excludes self-published) but don’t let this stop you from applying.
Here is what you need to apply
- 2 works written in the last 5 years. Upload the pieces that you are most proud of calling yours! (PDF + Audio (midi) recording)
- Bio or CV + Photo (headshot preferably)
- List of works (PDF or Word) It’s ok if you don’t have many works!
- Why do you want to be part of HCC?
- Professional Reference (Email of a colleague, friend, someone that you’ve collaborated with that is reachable and can speak on your behalf.)
You’ll need to upload these files through this google form:
- Oct 15, 2020: Launch
- Nov 10, 2020: Close
- Nov 15, 2020: Announcement
- Nov (Date TBD): General Class for composers
- Nov 25, 2020: Text approval
- Dec 1, 2020: Sketch/Plan
- Dec 15, 2020: First Draft
- January 1, 2021: Second Draft
- February 1, 2021: Final Score Delivery
*Failure to adhere to timeline might affect the process/rewards.
Looking forward to seeing your submission and to be there as you create awesome choral music!
¡Chao, People!