Hola, people! If you are here, you are probably sitting at our first concert with your program in your hands and excited to ride the journey with us. Choral music […]
As I keep updating my website, I realize that I’ve had many interviews and this was a great one with Robin Bradford from Conspirare. As I will share in other […]
Hola, People! It’s been a long time since I sat and wrote a blog post and to be honest I needed the space to just figure out life in many […]
Win a $100 Amazon Gift card by completing this survey about new choral music. Open for US choral conductors.
Choral composers are struggling to connect with ensembles. We can do better to collaborate to create meaningful experiences for all.
As a New Choral Music Advocate, one of my missions is to create affordable opportunities for composers to learn, write, and share their music.
I published a book of my music titled Mírame, Escúchame. In there, you will find 11 works for SATB chorus and all their program notes, comments, and many other ways we can collaborate together.
I want to learn as much as I can about Hispanic choral composers. With this information, I will create a book to bring awareness to our choral music.
This is how I begin: sharing the unknown. During 2020, we all had moments where we felt completely lost, especially without choral music. Most importantly, without our family, friends, and […]
Breathing out of me, To forget or to move on, I write down my thoughts on paper But, sometimes, I write down my thoughts on paper To celebrate or feel […]
I created HCCP to support choral composers all around the world. Through this program, composers get a unique commissioning experience.
As creative, we need to stay open to the good, the ugly, and the bad. To be prepared for anything, for every outcome is helpful and rewarding!
The Happy Composer Commission Project 2020 is now open for submissions (open until November 10, 2020!)
We sing for the music, we sing for light of your eyes, of your voice, your love. We sing for love, we sing.
Amy Gordon, Composer and Songwriter, brings a very fun and thought-provoking subject to The Happy Choir Podcast. The perfect way to close season 1! The relationship between songwriting and choral writing. Her experience with both and how can we use the best of both worlds to create something unique. Thank you to everyone who follows this podcast and keeps supporting The Happy Choir brand. Hugs!
Kristina Nakagawa, co-founder, and conductor of Resounding Achord, talks about building and maintaining a community in the choir, especially during COVID-19 quarantine. You’ll learn about her journey as a singer, conductor, and how she got to create a choir that supports each other as a family.
Sarah Rimkus on Finding texts and working with texts to set to choral music. Her experience in finding and curating texts, from the research process to selection and setting.
Sarah Rimkus on Finding texts and working with texts to set to choral music. Her experience in finding and curating texts, from the research process to selection and setting.
Brandon Elliott, Founder and Artistic Director of Choral Arts Initiative, shares with us his journey to create and maintain a healthy organization that keeps growing and growing.