Mírame, Escúchame (book listening guide)
Hola, people! I published a book of my music titled Mírame, Escúchame. In there, you will find 11 works for SATB chorus and all their program notes, comments, and many other ways we can collaborate together.
To buy it, please go to this link. Thank you so much for your support!
If you are coming here after buying my book, thank you as well for helping me in my journey as a composer and new choral music advocate. Below you will find the audios for each piece in my collection. Happy listening and hope to hear from you soon (composer.cordero@gmail.com).
¡Ayúdame! (Venezuelan Plea for Life
When was the last time you were hungry and could not immediately eat? or thirsty and could not find water for hours? This is heartbreaking: to see my country, my family, suffering. I come from Venezuela, and I did go through difficult times. Since I could not do much to help from where I was, I decided to fight my pain. I asked myself all the questions and cried while working on my desk, so comfortable yet feeling so guilty and helpless. What was the last time you were sick and could not find the medicine to feel better or even to keep living?
An immigrant voice who dwells with missing her family, friends, music, pictures, cats. A letter set to music.
This Sky
This Sky is a short, high-spirited piece. I like to think that we are angels that came to earth to spread love and tell people to stop worrying and start enjoying more. This could be the piece you sing to someone who you feel needs to know how incredible and special they are, or maybe even to yourself, or your past self. It is my hope that the celebration, acceptance of oneself and willingness to share with others in this short piece will give the audience joy, and make them smile.
Since moving to Houston, many people have helped me and showed me my own value. I wrote and dedicated this piece to Dr. Betsy Cook Weber, and my beloved Concert Chorale. The opportunity to have a world premiere by such an incredible choir at the 28th Béla Bartók International Choral Competition was an honor.
A Birthday
Simple and easy setting of Christina Rosetti’s poem. Perfect choice for high school, and community choirs.
Songs of the Moon: Tonight
When I arrived at the American Academy in Rome for my two-month residency, I felt a great deal of pressure to create something “amazing.” After some days of pretending to be what I was not, I followed the advice of a fellow and started to write Tonight again. I knew I wanted to create something I could sing to my love. That was easy to find in Sara Teasdale’s poem. “Tonight” was so simple. Not trying to be anything else. That’s what I want the music to show: simple and honest love.
Songs of the Moon: Beauty has filled my heart
Beauty has filled my heart is the second part of Songs of the Moon. I worked on this piece, based on Sara Teasdale’s Stresa, in my final semester at Moores School of Music. During this time, I kept finding myself overwhelmed with support and love from so many people. In Songs of the Moon I found that the titles formed a wonderful line: “Tonight, beauty has filled my heart.” This high-spirited and uplifting cycle showed me that living in the moment and acknowledging those who love and support us is where music thrives the most.
Away in a manger
The vulnerability of this text is one I wanted to express in my music. Setting Away in a Manger has been an adventure of understanding how fragile we can be if we let it happen. It reminds me of the love that family and friends share during the holidays, asking the little Lord Jesus to keep us safe and the ones around us.
Nada te turbe
Nada Te Turbe is a piece that I needed to listen to. After the difficult times that Venezuela has gone through, I needed a reminder that, someday, everything will be ok. This is what led me to create an uplifting piece to which I could run whenever I needed a message/prayer for the day.
This piece won the Vox Populi prize and got a special mention, Mix Choir, in the I Choral Composition Competition Alberto Grau. During the voting process I could sense the love of many people in my life helping me and my music to reach new places. I felt blessed for all the people that reached out and helped me accomplish this honor. It is in my hope that we will soon listen to this prayer sung by the world.
God, be in my head
After a “long” period of not writing music (maybe long for me), I decided to write a tongue twister (Whether the Weather), and this piece. I feel having written this piece gave me peace. It is easy to feel overwhelmed; to overthink, and to be anxious about many things in life, but this prayer is simple. That’s what I loved the most about it. It is a simple conversation with God. I write mainly choral music, and most of it is sacred. I am excited to keep exploring sacred texts within my music.
If you have other beliefs, please, feel free to replace “God” with “love.”
Tota Pulchra es, Maria
At the beginning of 2019, I felt lost as a composer. I had recently graduated from my master’s but did not know exactly what was next. I knew I wanted to continue writing for choir, and even more sacred choral music.
Since the first moment I saw this text, I was excited to do it as a celebration of the Virgin Mary, mother of God. I had already worked on Salve Regina and Ave, Regina Coelorum, so this felt the next piece to write for her. Growing up catholic, I had a strong presence of the Virgin Mary around my home and in my life, and I am grateful that I can now render all of this in my pieces as a way of thanking her for all the faith that she’s taught me to have. I dedicate this piece to both my grandmothers for being that source of faith and love in our family.